Pass It On & Around

Hello there,

It is function season again in Ghana. Weddings, engagements,  end-of -years etc etc etc. At each of these events, there is bound to be food and drinks. The presentation and service style of food and drinks at these events depend largely on what type of style the host chooses. There are cocktails, plated service, and buffets.

Each event requires a different but similar set of manners. If you ask me, I would say that the underlying principal of etiquette is to think of the others before yourself:

Often at cocktails, when the food is served on large platters and left on the cocktail tables, we find whichever item we best prefer to eat, stand by the table and eat so much of it that other people hardly get any of it! Terrible!!!

The essence of cocktails as is often the case at personal events in Ghana, is not to cut cost on tables and chairs but to network. So standing at that table and munching all the "chicken lollipops" is not exactly cool. Move around, try other foods, talk to people... you just might learn something you didn't know before!

And yes! Please don't keep taking the wine because the waiters are going around offering to fill your glass. Man know thy self and know when to stop drinking.... 

Sometimes, savories and other snacks are served at sit down events. Often they come in big platters meant to serve the whole table. Being the first to sit at a table does not entitle you to all the food meant of ten people.  

In the event that you find your self at a table with others, please don't wait for them to ask for the platter, pass it on each time you pick something to eat. Keep the food or bottle of wine going round till its all finished or till everyone has had enough!

Should your table mates not know about passing on the platter kindly ask them to do so. Don't be caught stretching cross the table to grab stuff!!! NEVER!!!

Love Always


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