Once upon a time, I was told a story of a pampered rich young man, lets call him Winston! Given that he was eighteen, let's just agree that he had fallen in love. Who was she? She was a fifteen year old only child of a plumber and a garden egg seller at Tema Station in Accra. Shall will call her Rachel?
Winston had said to Rachel in all the ways he knew, how much he loved her. Rachel had avoided bursting at the seams with joy during the Christmas holidays. She wouldn't dare share her "love stories" with anyone at home. She was allowed friends, a world full of them but not a boyfriend.
School re-opened in January and she couldn't be happier to go off! Finally she could exhale, tell her friends about her new found love! People who would share in her elation and not dampen her spirit with endless cautions. After all she wasn't sleeping with him, at least not yet. So their love grew and flourished, in fact, it was on the verge of an overflow!
The fever of February came and the craze of restless anticipation consumed her whole class. She had told them about her love, but not about how rich he was. She was waiting to see what her Winston would do for her. She was waiting even more, to see the shock and awe on the faces of her friends when they finally find out, that a nobody like her had landed a "dusted" dude.
Morning of February 14 and all the girls had dressed up super! As best they could within the confines of the school rules. It was a Saturday, visiting day, Rachel wouldn't be caught dead in her regular faded uniform. So she dressed in her one spare uniform for school outings.
Unknown to the students, the Headmistress had decided to receive all presents on behalf of her students. Many got of easy, silly cards, boxes of chocolates, teddy bears and synthetic roses, the usual. Oh but my Rachael, Rachael! Love came through for her alright, in a very grand way. A Huge RED box filled with every romantic thing possible..... Winston drove the message home in adult style. He was ready to go the FULL NINE YARDS!
Your guess is as good as mine.... the plumber and the garden egg seller were summoned. Rachel was suspended, her parents distrusted her and her should have been "BIG DAY" turned totally sour. A memory I am sure she continues to erase daily.
Happy Valentine to each of you. By all means love, in fact love hopelessly if you will, after all what point is there to life if you don't love. Beware though, beware of how you show, where you show, to whom you show and what you show! You just might get someone in BIG trouble.
With a bit more than all my love this valentine!
Winston had said to Rachel in all the ways he knew, how much he loved her. Rachel had avoided bursting at the seams with joy during the Christmas holidays. She wouldn't dare share her "love stories" with anyone at home. She was allowed friends, a world full of them but not a boyfriend.
School re-opened in January and she couldn't be happier to go off! Finally she could exhale, tell her friends about her new found love! People who would share in her elation and not dampen her spirit with endless cautions. After all she wasn't sleeping with him, at least not yet. So their love grew and flourished, in fact, it was on the verge of an overflow!
The fever of February came and the craze of restless anticipation consumed her whole class. She had told them about her love, but not about how rich he was. She was waiting to see what her Winston would do for her. She was waiting even more, to see the shock and awe on the faces of her friends when they finally find out, that a nobody like her had landed a "dusted" dude.
Morning of February 14 and all the girls had dressed up super! As best they could within the confines of the school rules. It was a Saturday, visiting day, Rachel wouldn't be caught dead in her regular faded uniform. So she dressed in her one spare uniform for school outings.
Unknown to the students, the Headmistress had decided to receive all presents on behalf of her students. Many got of easy, silly cards, boxes of chocolates, teddy bears and synthetic roses, the usual. Oh but my Rachael, Rachael! Love came through for her alright, in a very grand way. A Huge RED box filled with every romantic thing possible..... Winston drove the message home in adult style. He was ready to go the FULL NINE YARDS!
Your guess is as good as mine.... the plumber and the garden egg seller were summoned. Rachel was suspended, her parents distrusted her and her should have been "BIG DAY" turned totally sour. A memory I am sure she continues to erase daily.
Happy Valentine to each of you. By all means love, in fact love hopelessly if you will, after all what point is there to life if you don't love. Beware though, beware of how you show, where you show, to whom you show and what you show! You just might get someone in BIG trouble.
With a bit more than all my love this valentine!
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