Beggars, Escorts & Butty Riders

So it's about 9:15 am on the day after republic holiday 2013. I am driving to work with many a thought running amok in my mind. Then the sight that provoked this post walked right past me and I thought, interesting diversion. An approximately 12 year old girl is escorting a supposedly bind man as his begs for alms  from car to car.

I am sure you are thinking so what? I'll tell you what! She was dressed in a baby pink crop t-shirt, Purple capri length leggings underneath a very fitting and extremely short per of jeans shorts( Jamaican style). As she walked up to my car I noticed the pink tip French manicure and the neon yellow rosary!!!!

From whence she brought my mind, I give her A for attention grabbing....BUT! Was it the right kind of attention for her job function? You see, from the relatively limited experience (relative in terms of the seniors in my field. Yes I am wondering too exactly what my  field is) not all attention is good attention. It's one thing to get the attention of your target audience and it's an entirely different thing translating that attention into desired action. Which in this case was getting road users to give alms.

Whichever way, one looked at it, the on the spot observation showed no one giving them any money at least not the two cars ahead or behind mine. I didn't give her any money primarily because I was overwhelmed by the ensemble. My question for today, at least, is what kind of attention do we draw to ourselves? What do we have written on our "BILLBOARDS"?

From my point of view, she looked like one of three things:

a) a beggars assistant who was using the alms on frivolous things like doing her nails and fancy clothes. b) A child prostitute who was riding on the beggar to get costumers

c) Or a victim of the pimp who was posturing as the beggar

When people take that one look at us, or hear us speak for the first time, who do they think we are? I am sure I have passed for a few different characters, at different points in time. Whatever your choice of communication is, be sure to tell people exactly what you would have them know or think of you.

By all means, get attention, just be sure that it's the kind you want, need or can handle!

Have a happy positive attention filled JULY

With all my love



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